
Showing posts from January, 2010

The Hell with the CIA, FBI , and Police !!!.

For more video go to .......................The Hell with the CIA, FBI , and Police !!!

The Black Mans Version of Meet The Press TV and Fox News Show . Part 2

The Black Mans Version of Meet The Press TV and Fox News Show . Part 2............Black men that can Talk freely not controled by the networks. EX CANN News, Fox News, C-Span, ABC, CBS, NBC, HBO an...

The Black Mans Version of Fox News and, Meet The Press TV Show Part 1

The Black Mans Version of Fox News and, Meet The PressTV Show Part 1

USA's New way to Kill people . Haiti , Islamic World Look out ! Look Up H A R R P

USA's New way to Kill people Look Up H A R R P . Look out World .USA Baby.Guest Alderman Vergel Jones from the USA, Chicago, IL and Host Clifton Bradley of the Underground Railroad TV show m...

Thomas Castillo, Democratic Candidate for Lieutenant Governor IL Part 1

We got change for the White House Now lets change the State House of Illinois.Thomas Castillo, Democratic Candidate for Lieutenant Governor of Illinois For Present and future Leadership for change

USA's New way to Kill people . Look out Haiti , Islamic World ! Look Up H A R R P

Scribe to my New web page at HttP://www.undergroundrailroad­­ and make a donation of $1.00 or more . For more video go to

USA and England's Evil Plan to control Islamic nations .! And the World . New World Order !

Scribe to my New web page at HttP:// and make a donation of $1.00 or more . For more video go to

The USA Evil History of most Whites , History 101 PART 1

Please make a Donation of a $1.00 or more to my web page at Http:// . If you like this web page .

Most White's feel they must control every dam thing ! Why ???

White's feel they must control every dam thing ! Why ??? E-mail me and tell me if I am wrong

President Obama .Message to kkk, neo-nazies,skin heades

...........Please make a Donation of a $1.00 or more to my web page at Http:// . If you like this web page

The KKK,Neo-Nazis,. Don't KILL Presindent Obama.Please

...........Please make a Donation of a $1.00 or more to my web page at Http:// . If you like this web page

USA's New way to Kill people Look Up H A R R P . Look out Islamic World !

Please make a Donation of a $1.00 or more to my web page at Http:// . If you like this web page

Radio Station WVON 1690 Host Charles Butler is being Sued by Harold Davis Community Activist .Part 1

Please make a Donation of a $1.00 or more to my web page at Http:// . If you like this web page

WHY DR Martin Luther King was coverting to Islam before he got killed

Please make a Donation of a $1.00 or more to my web page at Http:// . If you like this web page

USA's New way to Kill people Look Up H A R R P . Look out Islamic World !

GO to my New Web page and help it to grow and become stronger and put out more info and make a $.1.00 donation or more at Http:// . Please

The USA Evil History of most Whites , History 101 PART 1

The Evil of White People and Their Presidents. . History 101 (Part 1). With President OBAMA the south may not raise again.Watch the Underground Railroad

Hitler forthright is still Alive and well in the USA Part 1

GO to my New Web page and help it to grow and become stronger and put out more info and make a $.1.00 donation or more at Http:// . Please

The USA Evil History of most Whites , History 101 PART 1

GO to my New Web page and help it to grow and become stronger and put out more info and make a $.1.00 donation or more at Http:// . Please

Did Jesus ( PSH ) Christ die for your sins? Can anyone die for you sins ?

Please make a Donation of a $1.00 or more to my web page at Http:// . If you like this web page .

The United Snakes of America USA want New World Order p 3

Thanks for the feed back Please secribe to my New weg site with vedios interviews ar htty . Help with any kind of donation

Did Jesus ( PSH ) Christ die for your sins? Can anyone die for you sins ?

Scribe to my New web page at . Scribe to my Face book or Tritter and make a donation to help the New web page grow . Wild ctazy and Infromative TV show interviews . for more call 1-773-416-7555

Did Jesus ( PSH ) Christ die for your sins? Can anyone die for you sins ?

Did Jesus ( PSH ) Christ die for your sins Can anyone die for you sins

U.S Soldiers Are Waking Up!

This is a great video on my web page and scribe to my web page please