MY Biography: Historical


My name is Clifton Raheem Bradley, and I was born in Chicago, IL. I went to "WENDEL E GREEEN GRADE SCHOOL".  I attended "Hyde Park High School" in Chicago when I graduated from grade school.

When I arrived at the school in 1976, I visited the TV and Radio room and fell in love with the Tv studio—the cameras in the studio, the stage, and the studio lights.

I told myself I had to enroll in TV and Radio classes. I wanted to be a cameraman, but I was too inexperienced for the job. The teacher made me a stagehand. I had to take props on and off the studio stage. At first, I wouldn't say I liked the duties I was, asked to do. 
At some point, I began to take pride in being a stagehand. I found out later that every crew member is essential to a TV Production.

When I got out of high school, I want to the US. Navy. When my military time was over, I promised myself I would make a career for myself in the TV production field.

My mistake was starting my video production company, 
"SHAYMAR MEDIA PRODUCTIOS LLC," getting my cameras and other equipment and not going to college first. You can say I had on-the-job training.

Later I said to myself it was time to go to school. I knew if I did not get an education would be in the same position I was in last year. That is why I am attending 
"Kennedy-King College in Chicago". I am in school to get more knowledge. I can tell everyone what one of my Professors from Kenndy-King college said named Professor Abraham" keep acquiring knowledge because it is constantly changing. I believe that.
